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 "Elephants, schmelephants," you keep on saying. "What's in it for me?" Check out our generously donated packages available for auction and sale!

Package Catalog
Ultimate Seattle Experience
Learn about Seattle's secret, haunted history and then participate in a "legally authorized" tournament! To the death! Hosted by Zach Galifianakis.
Get Drunk with Fred Armisen
Be prepared to drink with and discuss wines with Mr. Fred Armisen and explore Napa Valley with the "Portlandia" and indie music star. Also, he'll hug you.
You need to be at least 21 years of age to participate in this. You can be hugged no matter what age you are, though.
Don't Buy This
Literally all that happens when you buy this package is... well, we wrap you up into a toilet paper mummy. Probably not worth the money. Honestly, this one probably shouldn't be here.
"Groundhog Day" Watch-A-Long with Billy Bob Thornton
Watch "Groundhog Day" with Mr. Billy Bob Thornton and then hug him. In that order. He won't hug you unless you watch the entire film with him, including the credits. If you don't watch the entire film including the credits, he will not hug you.