S is raising money for Puppy Walk-A-Thon (JM Only)

Fundraising Amount=$0.00 ; Goal=$1,000.00
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Our Walk-A-Thon Sponsors

Proceeds from this year’s event benefit The Dog Foundation, a pet therapy program for Hospital patients and families that is fully funded by the generosity of donors. Every dollar counts.
What does my money go towards?
-> $25 Pays for week of Puppy Chow
-> $50 Funds the gas for the "puppy-mobile"
-> $100 Puts two new pups into training


Here at the Dog Walk-a-thon group we love dogs and also love walks.
Visit our website to learn more about our group.

To learn more about The Dog Foundation Click Here.

S's Story
Please join me in the fundraising effort for this organization

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